The main contact person in training related questions is Zsófia Sárközy.

If you have any question, please write an e-mail to:


The relevant terrains are generally open for training between 1st April and 31st July.

It is possible to have some trainings right before the start of EOC 2024.

Night training is generally not possible, please contact us if you would still like to do this kind of training and we will try to find a solution.


You have to register for training minimum 2 weeks prior to it’s date in order for the organiser to request permission!

The application form (Excel) can be found HERE. Please send it back with the necessary data to .


For every individual training you need a permission from the organisers!

Without a permission it is forbidden to use any of the terrains for orienteering.

We would like to emphasize again, that you have to register for a training minimum 2 weeks before it’s date otherwise the permission may not arrive in time.

Please contact us:


There are fix courses on various terrains. These are available from 1st April 2023.

The controls are marked with a wooden stick in the ground. These are only visible when you are next to the control site.

For more information please contact us:


The following prices are valid only for individual trainings! In open training camps the prices may differ from these and will be determined in the open training camp’s own information booklet.

Price of map usage (without controls)3 EUR/person/training
Price of map usage (with permanent controls)4 EUR/ person/training
Map printing (by organiser)1.5 EUR / A4 map
2 EUR / A3 map
Organised training with SportIdent100 EUR + 5 EUR/control point
(+ map usage, printing)
Organised training only with flags50 EUR + 3 EUR/control point
(+map usage, printing)

The above prices include a good quality .jpg map files.

The price for OCAD file is 50 EUR/terrain or 300 EUR for all terrains. Each federation (nation) should buy these once. In a joint training each participating federation (nation) should buy the OCAD files.


You buy an OCAD file for a terrain and hold 2 trainings for 10-10 people which you print for yourself: Price: 50 + (10+10)×3 = 110 EUR

You only use maps with permanent controls and hold 3 trainings for 5 people. You also need printing:
Price: (5+5+5)×(4+1.5) = 82.5 EUR

You ask for an organised training for 10 people with 20 controls. You do not need OCAD file but asked for printing:
Price: 10×(3+1.5) + (100+ 5×20) = 245 EUR


Parking possibilities are marked on the embargoed areas map with a blue „P” symbol.

The roads closed for vehicular traffic are also marked on the map with a red barrier symbol. Please strictly avoid using these roads, otherwise you and the organisers may be fined.